Free Primary 2 (P2) English Exam Test Papers

Download the latest collection of free Primary 2 English exam papers to help your child excel in their studies.

Updated July 2024

2021 Primary 2 English Papers

P2 | English | 2021

School Type Free Test Paper (PDF)
Red Swastika School Milestone Check 2 Download Now
Red Swastika School Milestone Check 3 Download Now
Red Swastika School Milestone Check 1 Download Now
Rosyth School Holistic Assessment Term 2 Download Now
Rosyth School Holistic Assessment 4 Download Now

2019 Primary 2 English Papers

P2 | English | 2019

School Type Free Test Paper (PDF)
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) Grammar Worksheet 2 Download Now
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) Practice Paper 1, 2 Download Now
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) Practice Paper 2 Download Now
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) SA2 Download Now
Catholic High School (Primary) Semestral Assessment Download Now
Catholic High School (Primary) Term 2 Practice Paper 2 Download Now
Henry Park Primary School Quiz 4 Download Now
Henry Park Primary School Quiz 1,2 Download Now
Maha Bodhi School Language Review 1 Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School Term 3 Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School Term 1,2 Review Paper Download Now
Nanyang Primary School Short Language Paper Practice 1 Download Now
Nanyang Primary School Practice Paper Download Now
Pei Chun Public School Holistic Assessment 3 Download Now
Raffles Girls' Primary School Review 1,2,3,4 Download Now
Raffles Girls' Primary School Review Assessment 1,2 Download Now
Red Swastika School Unit 11 Term 3 Download Now
Red Swastika School Unit 9 Review Term 3 Download Now
Red Swastika School Unit 12 Review Term 3 Download Now
Red Swastika School Unit 13 Review Term 4 Download Now
Red Swastika School Class Test 1 Download Now
Red Swastika School Unit 10 Review Term 3 Download Now
Red Swastika School Revision 1,2 Download Now
Red Swastika School Unit 14 Review Term 4 Download Now
Rosyth School Holistic Assessment 2 Download Now
Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School (SCGS) Term 1,2,3,4, SA2 Download Now
Tao Nan School Test Paper Download Now

2018 Primary 2 English Papers

P2 | English | 2018

School Type Free Test Paper (PDF)
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) Practice Paper 2 Download Now
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) Practice Paper 1 Download Now
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) SA2 Download Now
Catholic High School (Primary) SA2 Download Now
CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School (Primary) SA2 Download Now
Henry Park Primary School SA2 Download Now
Maha Bodhi School SA2 Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School Term 1 Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School Review Paper Term 3 Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School SA2 Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School Review Term 1,2 Download Now
Nanyang Primary School SA1 Download Now
Nanyang Primary School SA2 Download Now
Pei Chun Public School SA2 Download Now
Raffles Girls' Primary School SA2 Download Now
Raffles Girls' Primary School Review Assessment 2 Download Now
Rosyth School Holistic Assessment 2 Download Now
Rosyth School SA2 Download Now
Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School (SCGS) SA2 Download Now
Tao Nan School Test 2 Download Now
Tao Nan School SA2 Download Now
Tao Nan School Test 1 Download Now

2017 Primary 2 English Papers

P2 | English | 2017

School Type Free Test Paper (PDF)
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) Bite-Sized Assessment 2 Download Now
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) SA2 Download Now
Catholic High School (Primary) CA1 Download Now
Catholic High School (Primary) SA1 Download Now
Catholic High School (Primary) SA2 Download Now
Henry Park Primary School CA2 Download Now
Henry Park Primary School SA1 Download Now
Henry Park Primary School CA1 Download Now
Henry Park Primary School SA2 Download Now
River Valley Primary School SA2 Download Now
Maha Bodhi School SA2 Download Now
Maha Bodhi School CA1 Download Now
Maha Bodhi School SA1 Download Now
Maris Stella High School (Primary) CA2 Download Now
Maris Stella High School (Primary) SA1 Download Now
Maris Stella High School (Primary) SA2 Download Now
Methodist Girls' School (Primary) Test 1 Download Now
Methodist Girls' School (Primary) SA2 Download Now
River Valley Primary School CA1 Download Now
River Valley Primary School SA1 Download Now
Nanyang Primary School SA1 Download Now
Nanyang Primary School SA2 Download Now
Raffles Girls' Primary School SA1 Download Now
Raffles Girls' Primary School SA2 (SA) Download Now
Rulang Primary School SA2 Download Now
Rulang Primary School SA1 Download Now
Tao Nan School SA2 Download Now

2016 Primary 2 English Papers

P2 | English | 2016

School Type Free Test Paper (PDF)
Ai Tong School SA2 Download Now
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) SA2 Download Now
Henry Park Primary School CA2 Download Now
Henry Park Primary School SA1 Download Now
Henry Park Primary School SA2 Download Now
Maha Bodhi School SA2 Download Now
Maris Stella High School (Primary) SA2 Download Now
Maris Stella High School (Primary) CA2 Download Now
Methodist Girls' School (Primary) SA2 Download Now
Methodist Girls' School (Primary) SA1 Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School SA2 Download Now
Nanyang Primary School SA2 Download Now
Nanyang Primary School SA1 Download Now
Pei Chun Public School CA2 Download Now
Pei Chun Public School SA1 Download Now
Pei Chun Public School SA2 Download Now
Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School SA2 Download Now
Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School CA2 Download Now
Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School SA1 Download Now
Raffles Girls' Primary School SA2 Download Now
Raffles Girls' Primary School CA2 Download Now
Red Swastika School SA2 Download Now
Red Swastika School Class Test 1, Revision Download Now
Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School (SCGS) SA2 Download Now
Tao Nan School Test 1 Download Now

Guide to Latest P2 English Syllabus by MOE

The latest P2 English syllabus by the Ministry of Education Singapore emphasizes the development of foundational language skills through engagement, enjoyment, and extensive exposure to the English language. The syllabus aims to foster 21st-century competencies among students, ensuring they are well-prepared for the digital and global environment. The syllabus focuses on creating a strong base in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills while integrating values such as respect, integrity, and responsibility into the learning process.

Key Components of the P2 English Syllabus

  1. Listening and Viewing: Students are encouraged to develop good listening behaviors and critical understanding. The syllabus aims for students to appreciate and respond to a variety of texts, enhancing their auditory and visual processing skills.
  2. Reading and Viewing: This component focuses on nurturing a positive disposition towards reading. Students will engage with texts that not only entertain but also inform, allowing them to develop critical thinking and analytical skills.
  3. Speaking and Representing: Emphasis is placed on confidence, clarity, and the effective use of language in communication. Students learn to express themselves and interact in socially and culturally appropriate ways.
  4. Writing and Representing: The syllabus guides students to organize and express their ideas coherently. They are encouraged to explore different genres and styles of writing, which aids in developing their writing skills and creativity.
  5. Grammar and Vocabulary: These are taught not just as ends in themselves but as tools to aid effective communication. The syllabus integrates grammar and vocabulary learning within all language activities.

Emphasis on 21st Century Competencies

The P2 syllabus is designed to equip students with essential 21st-century skills, which include:

  • Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Students learn to analyze, evaluate, and create new understanding based on the texts they interact with.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Effective communication in various contexts is stressed, preparing students for collaborative environments.
  • Information and Media Literacy: Children are taught to handle information responsibly and to differentiate between credible and non-credible sources.

The P2 English Syllabus is structured to build a robust foundation in English while developing critical life skills. By focusing on a holistic development approach, it aims to nurture empathetic, informed, and articulate individuals who are ready to navigate the challenges of the modern world. For parents looking to support their children’s learning journey, the detailed aspects of the syllabus provide a roadmap for engagement and enrichment at home.

Exam Preparation Tips for Primary 2 English

Preparing your child for the Primary 2 English exams can be a fulfilling journey that not only boosts their confidence in the subject but also enhances their overall language abilities. Here’s a friendly guide to help parents navigate this path effectively.

1. Establish a Routine

Creating a consistent study schedule is crucial. Set aside a specific time each day for English study to build a routine. This could involve reading a story, practicing writing, or reviewing vocabulary. The key is consistency, which helps in reinforcing learning habits.

2. Engage with a Variety of Texts

Exposure to a wide range of reading materials such as children’s books, magazines, and newspapers can greatly enhance vocabulary and comprehension skills. Discuss the stories and articles with your child to improve their understanding and encourage them to express their thoughts and opinions.

3. Focus on Vocabulary

Expand your child’s vocabulary by introducing new words daily. Use flashcards, create fun quizzes, or simply discuss the meaning of words encountered during reading sessions. Understanding a broad range of words will greatly aid in comprehension tasks during exams.

4. Practice Writing

Encourage your child to write regularly. This could be through keeping a simple diary, writing letters to family members, or creating short stories. Focus on clear sentence structures and the correct use of grammar. Provide gentle feedback to help them improve.

5. Develop Listening and Speaking Skills

Good listening skills are essential for understanding exam instructions and excelling in oral components. Engage your child in conversations, listen to audiobooks together, and encourage them to articulate their thoughts clearly and confidently.

6. Use Sample Papers

Practice makes perfect. Utilize sample test papers from previous years to familiarize your child with the exam format. This will help them understand the types of questions to expect and how to manage their time effectively during the actual exam.

7. Create a Positive Learning Environment

Ensure that the study area is quiet, well-lit, and free from distractions. A positive and supportive environment can significantly enhance your child’s concentration and overall learning experience.

8. Manage Exam Anxiety

Discuss the importance of exams with your child calmly and positively. Ensure they understand that exams are just a part of learning and not the sole indicator of their ability. Teach them relaxation techniques like deep breathing to manage exam-time nerves.

9. Review Regularly

Instead of cramming just before the exams, review the material with your child regularly. This reinforces what they have learned and makes exam preparation less overwhelming.

10. Encourage Rest and Nutrition

Finally, ensure your child gets adequate rest and proper nutrition, especially as the exam approaches. A well-rested mind and a healthy body are crucial for peak performance during exam time.

Preparing for the Primary 2 English exam is about more than just academics; it’s about nurturing a well-rounded learner. By incorporating these tips, you can help your child develop a love for the English language and the skills necessary to excel in their exams and beyond. Remember, the goal is to make learning enjoyable and effective!


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The P2 English exam typically includes components on reading comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, listening comprehension, and writing. Understanding these components can help focus your child's preparation effectively.

Listen to children's audiobooks or watch educational programs together. Discuss what was heard to improve not just listening skills but also comprehension and the ability to recall details.

Normalize the experience by discussing what to expect and framing the exam as a chance to show what they know. Teach simple relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, and ensure they get plenty of sleep and a healthy diet, especially leading up to the exam.

Introduce practice exams closer to the actual exam date to assess readiness. Initially, focus on learning and understanding rather than testing. As the exam approaches, increase the frequency to maybe once a week to build confidence and improve time management.

Teach them to read questions carefully before answering, manage their time efficiently during the exam, and review their answers if time allows.

Yes, a fundamental understanding of grammar is crucial as it helps in forming correct sentences and improves both speaking and writing skills.

At Primary 2, focus should be on constructing clear and grammatically correct sentences, writing simple stories or descriptions, and using basic punctuation marks correctly.