Free Primary 5 (P5) Science Exam Test Papers

Download the latest collection of free Primary 5 Science exam papers to help your child excel in their studies.

Updated July 2024

2023 Primary 5 Science Papers

P5 | Science | 2023

School Type Free Test Paper (PDF)
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) Worksheet 1 Download Now
Red Swastika School End Of Year Exam Download Now
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) End Of Year Exam Download Now
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CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School (Primary) End Of Year Exam Download Now
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Henry Park Primary School WA1 Download Now
Raffles Girls' Primary School End Of Year Exam Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School End Of Year Exam Download Now
Maha Bodhi School WA1 Download Now
Tao Nan School End Of Year Exam Download Now

2022 Primary 5 Science Papers

P5 | Science | 2022

School Type Free Test Paper (PDF)
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) WA3 Download Now
Nanyang Primary School WA2 Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School WA3 Download Now
Tao Nan School WA2 Download Now
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) WA2 Download Now
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Rulang Primary School SA2 Download Now
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Nan Hua Primary School SA2 Download Now
Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School (SCGS) WA1 Download Now
Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School (SCGS) SA2 Download Now
Ai Tong School SA2 Download Now

2021 Primary 5 Science Papers

P5 | Science | 2021

School Type Free Test Paper (PDF)
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) WA1 Download Now
Tao Nan School WA2 Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School WA2 Download Now
Rosyth School SA2 Download Now
Red Swastika School Class Test 2 Download Now
Red Swastika School Class Test 1 Download Now
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) BA3 Download Now
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) SA2 Download Now
Catholic High School (Primary) WA1 Download Now
Maha Bodhi School SA2 Download Now
Ai Tong School SA2 Download Now
Raffles Girls' Primary School Practice Paper 4 Download Now
Catholic High School (Primary) SA2 Download Now
Rosyth School WA1 Download Now
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CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School (Primary) TA2 Download Now
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Raffles Girls' Primary School Practice Paper 3 Download Now
Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School (SCGS) Practice Paper 1 Download Now
Rosyth School WA2 Download Now
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Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School (SCGS) WA1 Download Now
Nanyang Primary School WA1 Download Now
Maha Bodhi School WA1 Download Now
Ai Tong School WA1 Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School SA2 Download Now

2020 Primary 5 Science Papers

P5 | Science | 2020

School Type Free Test Paper (PDF)
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) SA2 Download Now
Catholic High School (Primary) SA2 Download Now
CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School (Primary) SA2 Download Now
Nanyang Primary School CA1 Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School CA1 Download Now
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CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School (Primary) CA1 Download Now
Rosyth School SA2 Download Now
Raffles Girls' Primary School SA2 Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School SA2 Download Now
Maris Stella High School (Primary) SA2 Download Now
Henry Park Primary School SA2 Download Now
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Ai Tong School SA2 Download Now
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Nanyang Primary School CA2 Download Now
Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School (SCGS) SA2 Download Now
Tao Nan School SA2 Download Now
Nanyang Primary School SA2 Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School CA2 Download Now

2019 Primary 5 Science Papers

P5 | Science | 2019

School Type Free Test Paper (PDF)
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) SA2 Download Now
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) CA2 Download Now
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) SA1 Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School SA1 Download Now
Henry Park Primary School CA1 Download Now
Rosyth School SA2 Download Now
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Catholic High School (Primary) SA1 Download Now
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Henry Park Primary School SA1 Download Now
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CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School (Primary) SA2 Download Now
Methodist Girls' School (Primary) SA2 Download Now
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Rosyth School SA1 Download Now
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Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School (SCGS) SA1 Download Now
Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School (SCGS) SA2 Download Now
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Guide to Latest P5 Science Syllabus by MOE

This guide breaks down the updated P5 Science syllabus by the Ministry of Education (MOE), Singapore, to help you understand what your child will be learning and how you can help at home.

Understanding the Science Curriculum Framework

The P5 Science syllabus is crafted to spark curiosity and foster a deep understanding of the world. It emphasizes the following key areas:

  1. Core Ideas of Science: These are central concepts that students will explore, helping them understand the coherence between different sub-disciplines like Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.
  2. Practices of Science: Your child will engage in various scientific practices, including experimenting, data analysis, and applying scientific knowledge in real-world scenarios.
  3. Values, Ethics & Attitudes in Science: The syllabus encourages students to appreciate the ethical implications of science and its applications, promoting values like curiosity, integrity, and responsibility.

Dive into the Key Themes

The syllabus is organized into five interconnected themes that relate to both everyday experiences and scientific phenomena:

  • Diversity: Explores the variety of living and non-living things and the importance of maintaining this diversity.
  • Cycles: Covers natural cycles like life cycles and water cycles, emphasizing their importance in predicting natural events.
  • Systems: Looks at different systems, both natural (like human body systems) and man-made (like electrical systems), and how their components work together.
  • Energy: Focuses on the types of energy and energy conservation, crucial for understanding how different forms of energy are used in our lives.
  • Interactions: Discusses the interactions within and between different systems in the environment, highlighting the role of forces and the impact of human activities on the environment.

Engaging Your Child at Home

Here are some practical tips on how you can support your child’s learning at home:

  • Discuss Real-World Applications: Talk about how science is applied in everyday life. For instance, discussing how the refrigerator uses energy or how plants in your garden grow can reinforce their learning.
  • Encourage Inquiry-Based Learning: Ask questions that promote curiosity and exploration, such as “What do you think will happen if…?” or “How do you think this works?”
  • Experiment Together: Simple experiments at home, like creating a simple circuit or observing the water cycle, can be fun and educational.
  • Visit Science Centers or Museums: These trips can greatly enhance understanding and spark interest in the subjects being learned.

At, we believe that understanding the curriculum is the first step towards effective learning. By staying informed and engaging with your child’s education, you can significantly enhance their learning experience and instill a lifelong love for science.

For more resources, visit our website and download free past years’ P5 Science exam papers to practice and prepare for exams effectively.

Together, let’s make science learning enjoyable and meaningful for our children!

Exam Preparation Tips for Primary 5 Science

As your child progresses through Primary 5, mastering the science syllabus becomes crucial not only for academic success but for nurturing a scientific temperament. At, we understand the challenges and the excitement that come with preparing for exams. Here are some targeted strategies to help your child prepare effectively for their Primary 5 Science exams.

1. Understand the Syllabus

Before diving into exam preparation, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of what the syllabus covers. Familiarize yourself with the key themes:

  • Diversity
  • Cycles
  • Systems
  • Energy
  • Interactions

Each theme is designed to build on prior knowledge and connect with everyday life, helping students appreciate the relevance of what they are learning.

2. Create a Study Plan

A well-structured study plan can make a significant difference in how your child prepares for exams. Here’s how you can help:

  • Set Realistic Goals: Break down the syllabus into manageable parts and set achievable goals for each study session.
  • Schedule Regular Reviews: Make sure there’s ample time for revision sessions to reinforce old and new concepts.

3. Use Active Learning Techniques

Encourage your child to be an active participant in their learning process:

  • Mind Maps: These are great for visual learners and can help in summarizing information on topics like the water cycle or the parts of a plant.
  • Flashcards: Use these for quick reviews of scientific terms and concepts.
  • Practice Questions: Regularly practicing questions from past papers available on our platform can boost confidence and exam readiness.

4. Focus on Understanding, Not Memorization

Science is best learned through understanding rather than rote learning:

  • Discuss Concepts: Have discussions about how the science concepts they learn are applicable in real life.
  • Teach Others: Encourage your child to explain their science lessons to you. Teaching is a great way to deepen one’s understanding.

5. Encourage Regular Breaks and Balanced Study Sessions

Avoid cramming by spreading out study sessions and integrating short, frequent breaks to keep the mind fresh:

  • Active Breaks: Quick walks or a bit of stretching can rejuvenate the mind before another study session.
  • Balanced Sessions: Mix harder topics with easier ones to keep the study sessions less daunting.

6. Prepare Practically with Experiments

Whenever possible, conduct simple experiments at home to bring the theoretical concepts to life:

  • Simple Circuits: Create a simple circuit using batteries and light bulbs to understand electrical systems.
  • Plant Growth: Observe and record the growth of a plant to connect with the topic of life cycles.

7. Stay Positive and Supportive

Your attitude towards your child’s exam preparation can influence their performance:

  • Stay Positive: Encourage them and maintain a positive outlook throughout the preparation period.
  • Support Needs: Be there to listen to their concerns and help them overcome any challenges.

At, we are committed to providing you with resources that support your child’s academic journey. By following these tips and utilizing our platform to access past exam papers, you’re setting a strong foundation for your child’s success in Primary 5 Science. Let’s make learning a rewarding and fun experience for them!

Stay curious and keep exploring, for science is all around us!


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Use everyday examples to explain concepts, conduct simple home experiments, and discuss how science works in real-world applications. Breaking down complex ideas into relatable examples helps deepen understanding.

Active learning techniques such as creating mind maps, using flashcards, and engaging in regular practice with past exam papers are highly effective. Encouraging your child to teach you the material can also reinforce their understanding.

Regular revision is key. Aim for short, consistent study sessions throughout the week, with periodic reviews of older material to ensure information retention and to build connections between various topics. offers a range of resources, including past exam papers and study guides. Other educational platforms like Khan Academy and National Geographic Kids also provide useful science content that can complement your child's learning.

Common mistakes include misreading questions, not checking work for careless errors, and insufficiently explaining their reasoning in answers. Teach your child to take their time with each question and to review their answers if time permits.

Regularly check homework and test results, discuss what they learned in school each week, and set up informal quizzes. Using a checklist of syllabus topics to mark off mastered concepts can also help you keep track of their progress.