Free Primary 6 (P6) English Exam Test Papers

Download the latest collection of free Primary 6 English exam papers to help your child excel in their studies.

Updated July 2024

2023 Primary 6 English Papers

P6 | English | 2023

School Type Free Test Paper (PDF)
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) WA1 Download Now
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) Prelim Download Now
Ai Tong School Prelim Download Now
Catholic High School (Primary) Prelim Download Now
Henry Park Primary School Prelim Download Now
Maris Stella High School (Primary) Prelim Download Now
Methodist Girls' School (Primary) Prelim Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School WA1 Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School WA2 Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School Prelim Download Now
Nanyang Primary School WA2 Download Now
Nanyang Primary School WA1 Download Now
Nanyang Primary School Prelim Download Now
Pei Chun Public School Prelim Download Now
Pei Hwa Presbyterian Primary School Prelim Download Now
Raffles Girls' Primary School WA1 Download Now
Red Swastika School Prelim Download Now
Rosyth School Prelim Download Now
Rosyth School WA2 Download Now
Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School (SCGS) Prelim Download Now
Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School (SCGS) WA1 Download Now
CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School (Primary) WA2 Download Now
CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School (Primary) WA1 Download Now
CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School (Primary) Prelim Download Now
Tao Nan School Prelim Download Now
Tao Nan School WA2 Download Now
Temasek Primary School Prelim Download Now

2022 Primary 6 English Papers

P6 | English | 2022

School Type Free Test Paper (PDF)
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) Prelim Download Now
Catholic High School (Primary) Prelim Download Now
Henry Park Primary School Prelim Download Now
Methodist Girls' School (Primary) Prelim Download Now
Nan Chiau Primary School Prelim Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School Prelim Download Now
Nanyang Primary School Prelim Download Now
Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' School (Primary) Prelim Download Now
Red Swastika School Prelim Download Now
Rosyth School Prelim Download Now
Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School (SCGS) Prelim Download Now
CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School (Primary) Prelim Download Now
Tao Nan School Prelim Download Now

2021 Primary 6 English Papers

P6 | English | 2021

School Type Free Test Paper (PDF)
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) SA1 Download Now
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) Prelim Download Now
Ai Tong School Prelim Download Now
Ai Tong School SA1 Download Now
Catholic High School (Primary) Prelim Download Now
Catholic High School (Primary) SA1 Download Now
Henry Park Primary School SA1 Download Now
Henry Park Primary School Prelim Download Now
Maha Bodhi School SA1 Download Now
Methodist Girls' School (Primary) SA1 Download Now
Methodist Girls' School (Primary) Prelim Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School SA1 Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School Prelim Download Now
Nanyang Primary School SA1 Download Now
Nanyang Primary School Prelim Download Now
Raffles Girls' Primary School SA1 Download Now
Raffles Girls' Primary School Prelim Download Now
Red Swastika School SA1 Download Now
Red Swastika School Prelim Download Now
Rosyth School SA1 Download Now
Rosyth School Prelim Download Now
Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School (SCGS) Prelim Download Now
Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School (SCGS) SA1 Download Now
CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School (Primary) SA1 Download Now
CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School (Primary) Prelim Download Now
Tao Nan School SA1 Download Now
Tao Nan School Prelim Download Now

2020 Primary 6 English Papers

P6 | English | 2020

School Type Free Test Paper (PDF)
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) SA2 Download Now
Henry Park Primary School SA2 Download Now
Maha Bodhi School SA2 Download Now
Methodist Girls' School (Primary) SA2 Download Now
Nan Chiau Primary School SA2 Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School SA2 Download Now
Nanyang Primary School SA2 Download Now
Raffles Girls' Primary School SA2 Download Now
Red Swastika School SA2 Download Now
Rosyth School SA2 Download Now
Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School (SCGS) SA2 Download Now
Tao Nan School SA2 Download Now

2019 Primary 6 English Papers

P6 | English | 2019

School Type Free Test Paper (PDF)
Anglo-Chinese School (ACS) SA2 Download Now
Ai Tong School SA2 Download Now
Henry Park Primary School SA1 Download Now
Henry Park Primary School SA2 Download Now
Maha Bodhi School SA2 Download Now
Maha Bodhi School SA1 Download Now
Methodist Girls' School (Primary) SA2 Download Now
Methodist Girls' School (Primary) SA1 Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School SA2 Download Now
Nan Hua Primary School SA1 Download Now
Nanyang Primary School SA1 Download Now
Nanyang Primary School SA2 Download Now
Raffles Girls' Primary School SA2 Download Now
Raffles Girls' Primary School SA1 Download Now
River Valley Primary School CA1 Download Now
River Valley Primary School SA2 Download Now
River Valley Primary School SA1 Download Now
Rosyth School SA2 Download Now
Rosyth School SA1 Download Now
Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School (SCGS) SA1 Download Now
Singapore Chinese Girls' Primary School (SCGS) SA2 Download Now
CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls' School (Primary) SA2 Download Now
Tao Nan School SA2 Download Now
Tao Nan School SA1 Download Now

Guide to Latest P6 English Syllabus by MOE

As a dedicated parent, preparing your child for the Primary 6 English exams is crucial. Here’s a friendly guide to what your child will be learning according to the latest English Language Syllabus set by the Ministry of Education, Singapore.

Overview of the P6 English Curriculum

The P6 syllabus focuses on reinforcing and extending your child’s language skills. This stage is not just about learning English; it’s about enjoying the language and using it effectively across various contexts. The curriculum aims to:

  1. Develop Critical Language Skills: Your child will engage with a wide range of texts, enhancing their ability to read, listen, and view critically. This means understanding not just the words but the implications and emotions behind them.
  2. Enhance Communication: Speaking and writing in Standard English is emphasized. Your child will learn to express themselves clearly and confidently, adapting their language to different audiences and situations.
  3. Grammar and Vocabulary: Accurate and appropriate use of grammar and vocabulary is key. The syllabus guides children on how language can be structured to communicate ideas powerfully and persuasively.
  4. Multiliteracies: Today’s learning extends beyond traditional reading and writing. Your child will explore multimodal texts, combining text, images, and sounds, preparing them for the digital age.

Key Areas of Focus

The syllabus covers extensive areas to ensure a well-rounded mastery of the English language:

  • Listening and Viewing: Your child will develop skills to interpret spoken words and visual information, which are crucial in understanding real-world communication.

  • Reading and Viewing: From narratives to informative texts, the ability to analyze and infer information from different sources is nurtured.

  • Speaking and Representing: Opportunities are provided for your child to articulate their thoughts and ideas effectively, essential for both academic success and everyday interactions.

  • Writing and Representing: Expressing ideas through writing is cultivated, emphasizing clarity, coherence, and creativity.

Preparing for Success

At, we understand the importance of these skills. That’s why we offer a range of past test papers from top Singapore schools to help your child practice and excel. Regular practice using these papers will not only prepare your child for the exams but also build their confidence in using English in varied contexts.

Preparing for the P6 English exam is about more than just memorization. It’s about understanding and using the language effectively. With the resources available at, you’re equipped to help your child achieve their best. Download our free test papers today and give your child the practice they need to succeed.

Exam Preparation Tips for Primary 6 English

As the Primary 6 English exam approaches, preparing your child can feel overwhelming. At, we’re here to support you with simple, actionable tips that will make exam preparation a smooth and successful journey. Let’s ensure your child heads into their exams feeling confident and well-prepared!

1. Understand the Syllabus

Start by familiarizing yourself and your child with the English Language Syllabus. Knowing what skills and topics are covered (like comprehension, grammar, and writing) can help tailor your revision sessions effectively. It’s not just about covering everything; it’s about knowing the focus areas like narrative comprehension and synthesis.

2. Create a Study Plan

Organization is key to effective study. Help your child create a study timetable that breaks down their revision into manageable chunks. Allocate more time to areas where they feel less confident. Remember, consistency beats cramming, so encourage short, regular study sessions.

3. Use Past Year Papers

At, we provide a variety of past year test papers from top schools. Practicing with these can help your child get used to the format and timing of the actual exam. It’s also a fantastic way for them to apply their knowledge and check their understanding.

4. Enhance Vocabulary

A rich vocabulary can dramatically improve your child’s ability to express themselves in writing and understand more complex texts. Encourage reading a variety of materials like books, magazines, and articles. Discuss new words together and use them in sentences to ensure they stick.

5. Focus on Writing Skills

Writing is more than putting words on paper; it’s about conveying ideas clearly and engagingly. Practice different types of writing, such as narratives, formal letters, and articles. Use prompts from past papers or create fun topics that they enjoy writing about.

6. Oral Practice

The oral component of the exam can be daunting for many children. Help your child practice by having regular conversations in English about their day, a book they read, or a movie they watched. This builds confidence and fluency, making the actual exam situation less intimidating.

7. Review and Feedback

After completing practice papers, review them together to identify areas of improvement. Be positive and constructive with feedback, focusing on how they can improve next time. Recognize their efforts and progress to keep them motivated.

8. Relax and Recharge

Remember, all work and no play can make exam preparation tedious. Ensure your child has time to relax and engage in their favorite activities. A well-rested mind is more effective and efficient during study time.

Preparing for the Primary 6 English exam doesn’t have to be stressful. With the right tools, good planning, and a positive attitude, your child can approach their exams confidently. Utilize the resources available at to practice, prepare, and succeed. Together, we can make this a rewarding experience for your child. Start downloading our free past papers today and kickstart a comprehensive exam preparation!


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Encourage daily reading practices with a variety of texts and ask questions about the content to enhance understanding. Discuss the main ideas, themes, and characters to deepen comprehension and critical thinking skills.

Regular reading is key. Additionally, maintaining a vocabulary journal where new words are recorded and reviewed can be highly effective. Engage in conversations using new vocabulary to reinforce their usage.

Regular practice is essential. Start with once a week and increase the frequency as the exam approaches. This helps build familiarity with the question formats and improves time management.

Your child should practice writing clear and coherent narratives and expositions. Focus on structuring essays properly, using varied sentences, and employing a rich vocabulary.

Listen to various English audio materials such as podcasts, stories, and news reports. Discuss what they heard and ask specific questions to develop attentive listening and analytical skills.

Practice is crucial. Regular discussions on various topics, storytelling, and simulated oral exams at home can boost confidence and fluency. Record sessions to playback and critique pronunciation and expressiveness.

Grammar is very important as it underpins all sections of the English exam. Consistent practice with grammar exercises and application in writing and speaking should be part of the preparation. offers a comprehensive collection of past year papers from top Singapore schools. Additionally, engaging in English enrichment classes or online tutorials can also be beneficial.

Set realistic goals and celebrate achievements to keep motivation high. Ensure a balanced schedule with breaks and time for leisure activities to prevent burnout.